How to resubmit a declined project?

How to resubmit a declined project?

Submitting a project is just the first step in a creative process. If your project gets declined, it's not the end of the road. The resubmission process is designed to help you understand the reasons for the decline and provide an opportunity to make improvements. This article will guide you through the steps to resubmit a declined project.

Step 1: Review the Decline Email:

After your project has been reviewed, you and your teammates will receive an email indicating whether it has been approved or declined.
If the project is declined, the email will contain crucial information. Take the time to carefully review the reasons for the decline provided in the email.

Step 2: Access Your Project:

In the same email, you will find a direct link to your project. Click on this link to access your project directly. If you are not already logged in to ProjectBoard you will be prompted to log in. 

Here is an example of such an email

Step 3: Understand the Feedback:

Once you are on the project page, review the feedback provided in the decline email. Understand the specific reasons for the decline, as this information will guide your improvements.

Step 4: Make Necessary Adjustments:

Based on the feedback, make the necessary adjustments to your project. Ensure that you've thoroughly addressed the issues mentioned in the decline email.    

Note: If your project was declined due to payment issues, the email will specify the team members whose payment information was incorrect. Make sure you or your teammates update the payment section and correct the issue. If this is the case, you will notice the payment required 


If there is any problem with the information entered under Required Forms section. Make sure you or your teammates update the info before you resubmit your project. The form will be pre populated with your previews answers, so you won't need to fill all the form again and only update the incorrect information.

If you project was declined for problems with the project (Isef Forms, Video, Final Report, etc...), make sure you make the updates on the relevant sections. 

Step 5: Save Your Changes:

Save all the changes you make to your project.    

Step 6: Resubmit Your Project:

Once you are satisfied with the improvements, simply click again on "Submit Project", confirm the submission on the modal that will show up and your project will be submitted once again! 

Step 8: Monitor Project Status:

Keep an eye on your project page for any updates on the status of your resubmitted project. You may also want to check your email for any notification about your project submission status.

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