How to submit my project to District Science Day?

How to submit my project to District Science Day?

Step 1. Create a ProjectBoard Student Account. Make sure your account is a student account. If you are not sure, you can send a request to our support team at

Step 2. Proceed to "My Projects" page, if you just created your account, you will be directed to the page automatically

Step 3. You will be prompted to the project selection page, hover over the Science Day project submission and click "CHOOSE". Once the submission project opens, remember to change your title and description and click "SAVE".

**If you are working in a team, ONE member of the team will select and start a submission project.  Next, they will add their team members.

See this article for instructions on adding team members to your project: How can I add a team member to my project?

Once team members are added and the project is saved, the project is shared with your team members.  Each team member can find the shared project under their “My Projects” tab at the top of the screen.**  

Go to the “Getting Started” tile to view a short video illustrating the submission process.

Step 4: Uploading Required Documents 

You will need to upload all of the required documents under each section by doing the following:
  1. Select the appropriate section.
  2. Select “Edit Section”
  3. Select a plus symbol
  4. Upload your document
  5. Press “Save”
  6. Repeat until you have all of your required documents uploaded.

Required Documents Checklist:

Required Forms Section:
  1. ISEF forms (1, 1A, and 1B) and any other applicable to the project.
  2. OAS Consent and Release form.

Abstract Section:
  1.  Your abstract document.

Final Written Report Section:
  1. Your written report document.

Video Section:
  1. A video is only needed if you are competing in the Virtual District Science Day (District 18).

Quad Chart Section:
  1.  A quad chart of your project.  (There is a template with directions you can download from this section to complete your Quad Chart).  Check the District Science Day map to determine display requirements–quad chart or trifold.  A quad chart will be required for State Science Day.
** DO NOT upload documents, forms, or videos into the “Comments” bar at the bottom of the template or in any of the titled sections described above!!**

Step 5: Required Forms and Payments.
For your project to be submitted, there are a few things you (and everyone on your project team) need to complete: update your required forms and payments (found on the right hand side of the submission template).

**Each member of a team project will need to access this submission project (go to the “My Projects” tab at the top of the screen to open your shared project) to input their payment and required forms information.** (See the screenshot below)
**Each member of a team project will also need to fill out and upload their own ISEF forms to the “Required Forms” tile (all students will require ISEF forms 1, 1A, and 1B)**

Required Forms: Under "Required Forms", after clicking "Update Forms", you will need to enter the required information.  (See the screenshots below).

- You can update the form information anytime before the project submission

- After completing the required forms, your name will appear with a green check mark.

Note: If you have teammates added to your project and they didn't submit the form you WILL NOT be able to submit the project. So make sure your teammates log in to ProjectBoard and fill the required forms on the project.


Payments: Under "Payments", after clicking "Pay Now" you will choose a payment method: 
  1. Online Payments
  2. Pay by check
  3. Covered by grant

clicking "click here" on the method you chose will open a new tab.  After the payment is completed, you can confirm it by clicking "Paid by Credit Card" or "Paid By check" depending on the method you chose. In case your district is covered, simply click "I'm Covered".

- Just like the required forms, the payment must be updated for all teammates so that the project can be submitted 
- You can also update the payment anytime before project submission

At this point, after you and your teammates are done with the payment and form updates the submit button will be activated, but in case you didn't change your project cover image, a message will show up after clicking "SUBMIT PROJECT"

Step 6. Edit your project image cover. After you update your image, select "SUBMIT PROJECT" again. A confirmation modal will appear, in case you are CERTAIN, hit submit, you will see the submission status modal right after, click "Ok"

**If you are part of a team, ANY team member can submit the project.**

Done! Your project has been submitted for competition!

You can see the submitted view of your project by clicking "See Submission".  The submitted project is a “read only” snapshot and cannot be edited.

On the submitted version, you can click "See Original" to go back to your original project. The original submission project can be edited and can be found under the “My Projects” tab. Students who move onto State Science Day will want to edit this project using their feedback from District Science Day.